Case for inclusion of Financial Institutions in National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

12 June 2020

In its commitment towards the UNGP framework, India published the zero draft of its National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP) almost a year ago. The draft is now under the final stages of extensive consultations with stakeholders led by the Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). 

In this context, bringing banks and financial institutions, in addition to other businesses, within the purview of India's National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights is being seen as critical by civil society. By encouraging higher level of public disclosure by banks, Finance India (FFI) Coalition aims at promoting greater transparency and accountability in the functioning of these institutions. FFI submitted a set of recommendations addressing the above to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on 12th June 2020. These recommendations are based on some of the key findings from FFI's 2019 Banks' Policy Assessment Report. To read the recommendation document, click here

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