Fair Finance India - Policy Assessments 2019

15 November 2019

"As custodians of large sums of the public’s money, financial institutions have a considerable and wide impact not only on the economy but also on the prosperity of the society that the economy is intended to serve and on the environment on which we all depend.
Fair Finance Guide International (FFGI), an international civil society network active in 11 countries, seeks to strengthen banks’ and other financial institutions’ commitment to social, environmental and human rights standards." Thus, this assessment was undertaken to "Analyse ESG Policies, Disclosures and Commitments of Banks of India"

Focus: Environmental, Social, and Governance
Publishing date: 2019
Version: Final
Voluntary / Mandatory: Voluntary

Relevance to investor:
Presents a picture of the major Banks of India on ESG--policies, disclosure and commitments. An investor can thus gain insights on the Indian Banking landscape, choose an appropriate partner and develop scenarios per its action plans. This would be a key part of due diligence and influence investment decisions.

"Analyses of ESG Policies, Disclosures and Commitments of Banks of India"

Institution behind the policy / framework: Fair Finance India

Target users: All Indian businesses and Investors

Components of the policy / framework:

Findings on ESG Policies, Disclosures and Commitments of Banks of India Findings across:
Climate Change
Labour Rights
Human Rights
Gender Equality
Financial Inclusion
Transparency and Accountability

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